The Chester Metropolitan District will hold a public hearing in the Chester County Library’s Jean M. White Room, located at 100 Center Street at 5:00 P.M. on June 27, 2018 for the purpose of public input concerning the proposed Budget for the fiscal year 2017-2018.

The Chester Metropolitan District has contracted with Raftelis of Charlotte, North Carolina to develop a new water service rate schedule, as outlined below.

This new water service rate schedule will go into effect for all customers beginning September 1, 2018.

Water Service Base Rate

(Based on Meter Size)

3/4″  $    14.35
1″  $    21.52
1.5″  $    39.26
2″  $    60.64
3″  $  110.56
4″  $  181.87
6″  $  359.96
8″  $  573.76
10″  $  823.27

Volumetric Usage Rate

per 1,000 Gallons  $      7.19

The following fees will go into effect July 1, 2018:

Fire Line Fees
    Current   |  Proposed
10”  $    203.95  |  218.00
8”  $    193.15  |  207.00
6”  $    163.44  |  175.00
4”  $    135.07  |  145.00
Tap Fee
  Current     |  Proposed
1″ or smaller, simple install  $ 1,391.00 | 1488.00
All others — Cost of Installation
Other Fees
  Current     |  Proposed
Non-Payment Fee*  $      45.00
After Hours Reconnect Fee  $      65.00 | 69.00
Pulled Meter Fee  $      65.00 | 69.00
Late Fee  $        3.00

Engineering Fees

Backflow Test Fee  $    12.00 per result
Plan Review Fees  See Review Fee Schedule

Hydrant Meter Fees**

Refundable Deposit  $  100.00
Single Day Permit  $    50.00
15-Day Permit  $  100.00
30-Day Permit  $  200.00 renewable before expiration
Relocation Fee  $    35.00

*Non-Payment Fee – replaces the “Reconnect Fee”

** Hydrant Meter Fees – replaces the “Hydrant Meter Permit Fee”


FY 2017-2018             FY 2018-2019          Percent Change

Revenue                           $6,437,536                  $7,221,548                  +12.17%

Expenditures                     $6,437,536                  $7,221,548                  +12.17%


The Chester Metropolitan District does not receive revenue through taxation.