Commission Meeting Schedule Change
In the Commission Meeting on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, the Chester Metropolitan District Board of Commissioners voted to change their meeting schedule in order to provide additional time for CMD’s Finance Department to complete their monthly reporting.
Beginning in July 2023, all regular CMD Commission Meetings will be held the THIRD TUESDAY of each month at 6:00 PM. All meetings will take place at the CMD Office, located at 155 Wylie Street in Chester unless otherwise noted. Meeting dates, locations, and agendas are subject to change up to 24 hours prior to the meeting. Commission Meetings are open to the public.
The Commission Meeting schedule for the remainder of 2023 is as follows:
June 13, 2023
(CMD Water Filtration Plant, Fort Lawn)
July 18, 2023
August 15, 2023
September 19, 2023
October 17, 2023
November 21, 2023
December 19, 2023