CMD Notice of Budget Amendment Public Hearing — 06/06/2024

The Chester Metropolitan District will hold a public hearing at the CMD Office, 155 Wylie Street, Chester, South Carolina. The hearing will be held at 6:00 P.M. on June 6, 2024 for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed budget amendment for fiscal year 2023-2024.

The budget amendment outlined below will go into effect after the public hearing and board approval.

Capital Recovery Special Revenue Budget

FY 2023-2024Proposed AmendmentPercentage

The Capital Recovery Fees are earmarked specifically for improvement projects.

The proposed amendment of the Capital Recovery Special Revenue Budget is for additional cost for the Filter Plant Design project, and it is funded by CMD’s reserve funds.

The Chester Metropolitan District does not receive revenue through taxation.

About the author: susanroddey