CMD’s 2016 CCR is Now Available!

Due to Environmental Protection Agency Regulations, the Spring 2017 Water and Wastewater News by CMD/CWR contains a report on the quality of water that you receive from Chester Metropolitan District. This report will be delivered to you on an annual basis and will...

CMD Notice of Meeting – 06/14/17

NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, June 14, 2017 6:00 PM Front Porch Restaurant 3072 Lancaster Highway Richburg, South Carolina Please note: This agenda is subject to change 24 hours before the scheduled meeting date...

CMD Notice of Public Hearing

The Chester Metropolitan District will hold a public hearing in the Chester County Library’s Jean M. White Room, located at 100 Center Street at 2:00 P.M. on June 26, 2017 for the purpose of public input concerning the proposed Budget for the fiscal year 2017-2018....

CMD Finance Committee Meeting – 06/08/2017

NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Finance Committee Meeting Thursday, June 8, 2017 10:00 AM CMD Office 155 Wylie Street Chester, South Carolina Please note: This agenda is subject to change 24 hours before the scheduled meeting date and time. PROPOSED...

CMD Notice of Meeting – 05/10/17

NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, May 10, 2017 6:00 PM CMD Office 155 Wylie Street Chester, South Carolina Please note: This agenda is subject to change 24 hours before the scheduled meeting date and time. PROPOSED...