Capital Recovery

The Chester Metropolitan District requires Capital Recovery Fees for all new development. The fees were implemented after approval by the CMD Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 (since amended), and are assessed based on the following fee schedule:
Chester Metropolitan District
Capital Recovery Fee Schedule
Effective July 1, 2024
Connections Larger than 3″
Based on estimated daily water demand via the formula below:
CRF (Water Demand, gal/day) x $5.90
Please note, Capital Recovery Fees are due in addition to the tap fee, and will be collected in the following manner based on the type of service requested:
Single Water Service Connection – Capital Recovery Fees will be paid at the time that the tap fees are paid.
Residential Subdivisions – 100% of the Capital Recovery Fees will be paid up front based on the number of lots on the approved list.
Commercial/Industrial Water Connections – 100% of the Capital Recovery Fee will be paid at the time of the issuance of the Willingness and Capability Letter by Chester Metropolitan District. Fees will be based on daily water demands provided by the owner/developer’s design engineer. If, after one year, the actual daily water demands are in excess of the design engineer’s estimation which were used to determine CRF’s, the owner/developer will be assessed additional CRF’s to cover the excess water demand.
Fire Supply Line Connections – 100% of the Capital Recovery Fee will be paid at the time of the issuance of the Willingness and Capability Letter by Chester Metropolitan District. Fees will be based on the quantity of water required over the specified period of time necessary to meet fire code requirements.