
Our Public Service Pledge

We strive to treat all customers fairly and equitably.  We are working to provide superior water service to the residents and businesses of Chester County.

The Chester Metropolitan District is a Special Purpose District created by the South Carolina Legislature. We are a public water system, and for the purpose of public reporting, we are considered a “Municipal” Government entity. That means we are subject to the same transparency laws as a State or Local Government agency.

We are governed by a 9-member Board of Commissioners, all of which are appointed by our local municipalities. Our Commissioners are the policymakers for the District. They meet regularly once per month, or as needed via Special Call or Committee meeting. All CMD Commission Meetings are open to the public and allow for public comment.

We are subject to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) policy as well. Much of our data, including Commission Meeting Minutes, Financial Data, and Policy and Procedure documentation are considered Public Information and may be requested for in-person viewing during regular business hours. Other data may be obtained via FOIA Request with the understanding that under the law, CMD retains the right to redact any and all personally identifying information (PII) of both employees and customers. Personal utility account information is not subject to FOIA regulations and any data obtained via FOIA Request may not be used for solicitation purposes.

Regarding the Office of Regulatory Staff’s Water Bill of Rights, please be aware that this document pertains to PRIVATE water systems. While we strive to meet as many of the items listed on it in as fairly a manner as possible, however we are not subject to ORS oversight. CMD is not a for-profit water system. Our rates are governed by the costs incurred to provide water service to the residents and businesses of Chester County and our policies are determined based on customer requirements and Commission decisions.