The CMD Office will close at 11:00 AM today for staff software training. If you need immediate assistance, please call our main telephone number: (803) 385-5123 and our staff will assist you. The disconnection list scheduled for today will not be disconnected. Service...

CMD Notice of Meeting — 11/14/18

NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, November 14, 2018 6:00 PM CMD Office 155 Wylie Street Chester, South Carolina Please note: This agenda is subject to change 24 hours before the scheduled meeting date and time....

CMD Notice of Meeting – 10/10/2018

NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, October 10, 2018 6:00 PM CMD Office 155 Wylie Street Chester, South Carolina Please note: This agenda is subject to change 24 hours before the scheduled meeting date and time. Public...

2018 Fire Flow Testing

  NOTICE TO CMD (WATER) CUSTOMERS   The Chester Metropolitan District is scheduled to begin flow testing all fire hydrants on Monday, October 1, 2018 as a part of our maintenance program. Residents may experience minor discoloration to their water while flow...