Establish Service

Applications for Water Service

Our service application may be filled out in our office at 155 Wylie Street, or by using our Online Service Application. All applications for service require valid photo identification and proof of residence.

Applying In Person

Applying for service at the CMD office is the fastest way to establish service. Please bring with you a valid photo ID (driver’s license, state-issued ID, passport, etc.) and proof of residence (rental agreement/receipt, closing documents), and be prepared to pay a deposit. Other services will be determined at the time of application.

Applying Online

When applying for service using our online application below, you will be required to upload your ID and proof of residence as attachments (JPG, PDF, or DOCX formats only).

You will be contacted by a CMD Customer Service Representative  with instructions on how to pay your deposit and what services are available to you. Service will be established once the deposit payment is received in our office.

Please note, all correspondence regarding service applications should be directed to the Customer Service Department via our contact form found here: Misdirected communications may not be answered.