Water Service Rates

Effective July 1, 2024

The Base Rate for water service is determined by customer meter size (or water line size for unmetered fire suppression systems).
Usage is billed per gallon.

Water Service Base Rates

(Based on Meter Size)

3/4″ $19.39
1″ $29.07
1.5″ $53.04
2″ $81.92
3″ $149.35
4″ $245.68
6″ $486.26
8″ $775.08
10″ $1,112.13

Cost Per 1,000 Gallons

0 – 5,000,000 $9.71
Cost per Gallon $0.00971
5,000,001 – 10,000,000 $8.74
10,000,001 – 15,000,000 $7.77
15,000,001+ $7.28

Tap Fee

1″ or smaller,
simple install
All others Cost of Installation

Other Fees

Nonpayment Fee $45.00
After Hours Reconnect Fee $69.00
Pulled Meter Fee $69.00
Late Fee $3.00
Unauthorized Water Use $500.00
CGV Turn Off/Turn On $50.00

Engineering Fees

Backflow Test Fee $12.00
Plan Review Fees See Schedule

Capital Recovery Fees

Single 3/4″ Water Service Connection $1,770 each
Single 1″ Water Service Connection $2,955.00 each
Single 3″ Water Service Connection $9,431.00 each

Use the formula below to calculate the capital recovery fee (CRF) for water meter sizes 3” to 10”. Fee is based on daily water demand requested by the owner/developer.

CRF = (Peak Water Demand, gal/day) x $5.90

Hydrant Meter Fees

Single Day Permit $50.00
15-Day Permit $100.00
30-Day Permit $200.00 renewable before expiration
Relocation Fee $35.00

Hydrant water usage billed at regular rate per thousand gallons.

Hydrant Meter Tampering Fees

First Offense $250.00
Second Offense $500.00
Each Subsequent Offense $500.00


Charge Per page for hard copy of records $0.20 per page
Charge for staff time to search, retrieve, or redact records Lowest hourly rate of available employee with necessary skills to prepare/review documents
Charge for other media used to provide records Actual cost of media to the District
Deposit for anticipated or apparent staff time exceeding 5 hours 1/4 of estimated costs

Wastewater & Garbage Rates

Chester Metropolitan District is not responsible for setting rates for municipal wastewater and garage services. CMD bills for these services through a series of agreements with the responsible authorities. The following information is provided as a courtesy to our customers. For questions or concerns regarding these rates, please contact the appropriate authority.