NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Regular Commission MeetingTuesday, February 20, 20246:00 PM Chester Metropolitan District PROPOSED AGENDA I. Call Meeting to Order II. Approval of January 16, 2024, Meeting Minutes III. Public Comment In-Person Public Comment will be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker.For virtual comments to be read during the Public...
For Customers in Cycle 4, please be aware that due to a processing issue in our billing system, your January bills were not mailed at the proper time. The issue has been corrected, and the bills will arrive in the coming days (either this week or next week). Due to this error, CMD will...
The Chester Metropolitan District will be turning off the Ammonia in the water distribution system beginning Thursday, February 1, 2024, and will run straight chlorine disinfection for approximately one month. This process helps to keep the system disinfected and reduces the chances of bacteriological growth in water lines with lower flows. CMD personnel will...
NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Regular Commission MeetingTuesday, January 16, 20246:00 PM Chester Metropolitan District PROPOSED AGENDA I. Call Meeting to Order II. Approval of December 19, 2023, Meeting Minutes III. Public Comment In-Person Public Comment will be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker.For virtual comments to be read during the Public...
The Chester Metropolitan District will hold a public hearing at the CMD Office, 155 Wylie Street, Chester, South Carolina. The hearing will be held at 6:00 P.M. on December 14, 2023 for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed increases to the Capital Recovery Program and Fee Schedule. The proposed fee changes...
As a courtesy to our customers, Chester Metropolitan District has installed a Customer Service Valve (CSV) on all metered service lines. The CSV is a round, green box approximately one (1) foot or less from the meter box, between the box and the customer’s house or business. It is not locked and is accessible...
NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Regular Commission MeetingTuesday, December 19, 20236:00 PM Fort Lawn, SC PROPOSED AGENDA I. Call Meeting to Order II. Approval of November 21, 2023, Meeting Minutes III. Public Comment In-Person Public Comment will be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker.For virtual comments to be read during the Public...
NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Grievance Committee MeetingWednesday, December 6, 20236:00 PM CMD Office155 Wylie StreetChester, SC 29706 PROPOSED AGENDA I. Call Meeting to Order II. AMI Construction Grievance III. Strong Grievance IV. Recommendation for Board V. Adjourn Please note: This agenda is subject to change 24 hours before the scheduled meeting date...
UPDATE: The Catawba River Basin has returned to NORMAL conditions. Stage 1 Drought Declared Voluntary Water Conservation Recommended On November 2, 2023, The Catawba-Wateree Drought Management Advisory Group (DMAG) announced the movement of the Catawba River Basin into a Stage 1 Drought. Restrictions are not mandatory, and no fines will be given for outdoor...
***11/07/23 Update*** All Bacteriological Samples have passed. The Boil Water Notice has been lifted for all customers. ***11/06/23 Update*** Customers on Edwards Road, Carabrook Road, and Robinhood Road in Fort Lawn will remain under a Boil Water Notice. Bacteriological sampling in these areas has failed. Customers in these areas must continue to boil water...