NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Special Call Commission MeetingWednesday, March 2, 20226:00 PM Webex Only PROPOSED AGENDA I. Call Meeting to Order II. Executive Session: To Discuss a Personnel MatterNo action will be taken during this Executive Session III. Action Resulting from Executive Session (if necessary) IV. Adjourn Please note: This agenda is subject...
NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Regular Commission MeetingTuesday, March 8, 20226:00 PM CMD Water Filtration Plant6144 Lancaster HighwayFort Lawn, SC 29714 PROPOSED AGENDA I. Call Meeting to Order II. Approval of February 8, 2022 Meeting Minutes III. Public Comment In-Person Public Comment will be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker.For virtual comments...
NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Special Call Commission MeetingTuesday, February 8, 20224:30 PM CMD Office155 Wylie StreetChester, SC 29706 PROPOSED AGENDA I. Call Meeting to Order II. Executive Session: To Discuss a Personnel MatterNo action will be taken during this Executive Session III. Action Resulting from Executive Session (if necessary) IV. Adjourn Please note:...