aBOUT cmd
The Chester Metropolitan District is a Special Purpose District created by the SC legislature in 1959, and serves as the public water supply authority in Chester County. CMD distributes water along SC Highway 9, SC Rt. 99, the US 21 corridor, and to the municipalities of Chester, Fort Lawn, Great Falls, and Richburg.
Surface Water Treatment Plant
The system is supplied by a 7.2 million gallon per day (MGD) surface water treatment plant located on the Catawba River at Fort Lawn on the eastern side of the county. The treatment plant is currently operating at approximately 42% of capacity (3.012 mgd) for average day conditions. However, peak day conditions have approached 60% of plant capacity, with a maximum-day flow of 4.014 MGD being pumped.
Distribution System
A 24″ pipeline supplies water to the Highway 9 corridor as far west as the City of Chester. A 16″ pipeline supplies water to the southern part of the county and the Town of Great Falls along Highway 99. A network of smaller pipelines supplies the developed portions of the county. 5.7 Million Gallons of Storage is provided by two 1 million gallon ground storage tanks on high ground along Highway 9 at Rodman (between I-77 and Chester), elevated tanks in Richburg, Chester, and Great Falls, and clear well storage at the filter plant in Fort Lawn.
Water Quality
Water quality produced at the Fort Lawn surface water plant reliably meets drinking water regulations established by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). In order to keep our water quality standards at their highest, CMD has several programs in place to help keep the system fresh. Monthly flushing and testing is done to insure adequate chlorine residuals in the lines, which keep them disinfected. Other water quality-related programs include the annual hydrant flushing and testing, the bi-annual valve exercising, and the annual chlorine burnout.
Reliability of Water Service
CMD has an established record of system reliability. The Fort Lawn treatment plant has experienced only 2 shutdowns in the past 12 years, with no loss of service to any industries. No industrial customers have experienced a distribution system loss-of-service episode since 1995.