by susanroddey | May 18, 2021 | Notice of Public Hearing, Rate Schedule
The Chester Metropolitan District will hold a public hearing at the CMD Office, 155 Wylie Street, Chester, South Carolina. The hearing will be held at 6:00 P.M. on June 14, 2021 for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed budget for fiscal year...
by susanroddey | May 7, 2021 | Commission Meeting Notice
NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Regular Commission MeetingTuesday, May 18 20206:00 PM By Teleconference OnlyDial-in Number: 408-418-9388Access Code: TBD PROPOSED AGENDA I. Call Meeting to Order II. Approval of April 13, 2021 Meeting Minutes III....
by susanroddey | Apr 6, 2021 | Commission Meeting Notice
NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Regular Commission MeetingTuesday, April 13, 20206:00 PM By Teleconference OnlyDial-in Number: 408-418-9388Access Code: TBD PROPOSED AGENDA I. Call Meeting to Order II. Approval of March 9, 2021 Meeting Minutes III....
by susanroddey | Mar 22, 2021 | Commission Meeting Notice
NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Regular Commission MeetingMonday, March 29, 20206:00 PM By Teleconference Only PROPOSED AGENDA I. Call Meeting to Order II. Research Committee / Project Magma III. Adjourn Please note: This agenda is subject to change...
by susanroddey | Mar 16, 2021 | Policy & Procedure, Rate Schedule
Chester Metropolitan District is upgrading the metering software and billing processes to provide more accurate usage data to its customers. Currently our meters only transmit data in 1,000-gallon increments. Once the software upgrade is complete, the residential...