CMD Notice of Meeting – 07/12/18

NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, July 11, 2018 6:00 PM Front Porch Restaurant 3072 Lancaster Highway Richburg, South Carolina Please note: This agenda is subject to change 24 hours before the scheduled meeting date...

CMD Program and Fee Changes

CAPITAL RECOVERY The Chester Metropolitan District wishes to reminds its customers that the Capital Recovery Fees program is now active. All new development will be subject to Capital Recovery Fees based on the approved fee schedule. For more information, please visit...

CMD Notice of Meeting – 06/12/18

NOTICE OF MEETING Chester Metropolitan District Regular Commission Meeting Tuesday, June 12, 2018 6:00 PM CMD Office 155 Wylie Street Chester, South Carolina Please note: This agenda is subject to change 24 hours before the scheduled meeting date and time. PROPOSED...