Chester Metropolitan District (CMD) will be changing its water rate structure beginning in late summer of 2018. The CMD Board of Commissioners endeavored to develop a rate structure that was equitable to residential customers. CMD hired Raftelis from Charlotte, North Carolina to review our existing water rate structure and propose a rate structure that...
CAPITAL RECOVERY The Chester Metropolitan District wishes to reminds its customers that the Capital Recovery Fees program is now active. All new development will be subject to Capital Recovery Fees based on the approved fee schedule. For more information, please visit our Capital Recovery Page. ENGINEERING REVIEW FEES The Chester Metropolitan District has implemented...
The Chester Metropolitan District will hold a public hearing in the Chester County Library’s Jean M. White Room, located at 100 Center Street at 5:00 P.M. on June 27, 2018 for the purpose of public input concerning the proposed Budget for the fiscal year 2017-2018. The Chester Metropolitan District has contracted with Raftelis of...